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Knowing and Sharing God's Love

When you come to join us you might find us a little different.

We are a small church and we meet in homes, but we are not weird, we have a good relationship with other churches in the neighbourhood.

We meet informally around a table or in a lounge room where we can talk  and discuss things, ask questions or just listen.

We will sing some songs, read some of the Bible, there will be a talk where we can ask questions, we share some experiences, pray for each other and share some bread and grape juice to remind us of how much Jesus loves us.

Afterwards we share a coffee or tea together.

We get together because we want to learn more about being followers of Jesus and to be voices for good in the world and in our neighbourhood.

We look forward to meeting you and invite you to journey with us as we discover Jesus together.

Join us

Contact the pastor if you would like more information about our worship or meeting times


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